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Monday, April 15, 2013

Agama, Kebebasan dan Keadilan Tuhan

Bagi yang lahir dalam kelompok Assya’irah (majoriti umat Melayu), pasti akan terbiasa dengan doktrin bahawa Allah menentukan segalanya bagi manusia samada perbuatan baiknya ataupun perbuatan buruknya.
Soal ini sering buatku terfikir, andai benar begitu maka mudahlah manusia beralasan jikalau mereka melakukan kesilapan. Mungkin boleh dijawab bahawa kita perlu berbaik sangka dengan Tuhan, tapi bagaimana ingin kita rasionalkan doktrin itu kepada mereka yang kononnya lemah imannya atau mereka yang Allah campakkan berjuta pertanyaan dalam kotak rasionalnya?
Maka dengan itu, Allah Maha Adil apabila mengurniakan kepada manusia daya untuk memilih, kebebasan yang mutlak untuk melakukan segala perbuatan samada yang baik mahupun yang buruk.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

If I am the Prime Minister, I will…

Being Prime Minister is actually a big deal. In the fuzziness of the current situation, many things must be done. Actually, when I am on that position, I, legally speaking, can only control the executive field of the State. While there are three more field that holding different type of power in this country which is Legislation, Jurisprudence and Religious Affair.

So, first and foremost I will clean the cabinet that I’m leading from any misused or unsupervised power that they can use. To do this, I must select the trustworthy person that suits to seat on chair. By the theory, I will promote toward the nation about the principle in selecting the leader. Basically, it will be based on four characteristics which are Knowledgeable, Trustworthy, Capable and Responsible. Those characteristics of leadership are not only agreeable universally but also can be taken from the Revelation.[1]